sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Field exchange

On the last week the SSP Wurrood Field changed of the place.
The pictures bellow show the old and new field. I don´t know the names of the addresses because here in Saudi Arabia is very hard understand and to know everything and all information because of the difficulties with the language.
We changed the place because the old field didn´t have a good structure only a good field. The old field was amazing but the structure around of the field was awful. The toilets very dirty, if anyone is hurt would be a great problem because was far far away of everything.
Now the new field have a good structure. The toilets are cleaned, have some places to eat some food and drink water. Near of the new field has a mini market where you can find everything that you want.
The grass isn´t good now and also isn´t very bad , but in 1 month the manager told me he will change and put a new grass. That will be very good for avoid any injury in the children body and for me make better my work. 

 U-15 on the Old Field
 U-13 on the Old Field
 Before the game on the old field
 Fun warm up on the old field U-13
 Stretching old field U-13
 1.2.3..... SSP
 I´ll miss you wonderful Sunset!
 The new place of the new field SSP
 New Field U-13
 New Field U-13
 New Field U-13
 New Field
 New Field - Fun time with U-13
 New Field - Fun time with U-13
 New Field 
                                                                 New Field - 

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